27 June 2008

Random bits

I'm sore in muscles that I didnt know I had.
Training for a triathlon is in full swing, and I even have a triathlong picked out...finally. Im going to do the tuckahoe Triathlon in Marmora, NJ. It seems like a good first course, and as long as I dont drown during the swim I should be fine.

I've been thinking a lot about this mornings reading from Matthew. The reaction of the crowd and the persistance of the blind men strike a resonance with me. I can see parallels in what is happening around me this month. In the crowd there is self-focus taken to an unhealthy level. They shut out the cries of the truely desperate in order get their "need" fulfilled. The blind mens' persistance and the fact that that persistance pays off is heartning.

06 June 2008

Where is home?

So I just got back from week in Montana. My wife and I decided that we were going to go light on the connectivity, so we didnt bring computers and only checked email once a day (horrors)...hence no posts. Omre than one time on airplane rides to Montana, I refered to Montana as home, resulting in several highly skeptical looks from my wife and questions to the effect of "and what then do you call our apartment in at the seminary?" I have to admit that she has a good point. Montana is where I am from, but it ws clear to me on this trip that is not home, not really. Which begs the question: where is home for me? It's not Montana, although I hope it might be again some day, but its hard for me to say that NYC is home as well. At best it is a temporary waypoint, a place to learn about how little I know about ministry and the church. This morning as I was reflecting on where home was this popped into my head.: Matthew 8.20:
20 -->And Jesus said to him, ‘Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’ .....hhhmmm