10 September 2010

I am Iron Priest...well...almost

Sooooo...I'm obviously not very good at blogging. Yes, I have a tremendous command of the obvious. Life is busy. But here I am to renew the epic struggle. Can I discipline myself to be a semi-regular contributor to the posterity of babble that our society is kareening rapidly toward? Well, I'm going to try. I have also decide to try and document something particular, my exploits in training. I get asked all the time why I would want to swim over a mile, bike 56 times that far and then run a half marathon. The easy answer is that I'm crazy. There are several longer answers, which fall short of expressing the truth. Really, I'm not really sure why I am doing this, but it's certainly not for my benefit. If I were training to make me happy, it would be easy, boost my vanity, take only a few hours a week. Well this training is not, it doesn't and, right now it eats up 3-4 hours a day. It takes discipline, which as you can guess from my lack of posting, is not something that I have in spades. But the discipline it takes to run 4 or 5 miles before breakfast is starting to bleed into other parts of my life. Hmmm...I wonder who's idea that is?