20 March 2013

Thats just not right: A Sermon Lent 5 C

          Eating a meal with my maternal grandmother was always an interesting affair. Grammy, as my brother and I called her, was the daughter of an Army General. She had been drilled through and through in what was right and proper. One morning, I came down to breakfast, grabbed the Los Angeles Yellow pages that doubled as a 6 inch booster seat, and propped my elbows on the table as I got seated. "Jed," came my Grammy's voice from behind the LA times, "would you have your elbows on the table if you were having breakfast with the Queen of England?" "If she was my Grammy, maybe," I replied. Grammy reached a long arm out from behind the paper and popped me on the back of the head. "No, you wouldn't," she continued, "because that is just not done in polite company."
            Polite company. That might be a good description of the dinner that Jesus is attending in today's gospel. Mary and Martha have pulled out all the stops for this dinner. They are celebrating Jesus and his resurrection of Lazarus. The sisters, but mostly Martha have dusted off the good china, picked up the Straubs best beef cut, ironed the linen, and now the guest of honor is here, sitting with his disciples and the very–recently–mostly–dead Lazarus. Its all turning out so well, right and proper.
            Mary’s actions, in context, seem strange, outlandish and a little awkward. Mary’s anointing of Jesus feet, on it's own, would have been a highly personal thing to do. But when Mary unbinds her hair and uses it to wipe away the super abundance of ointment that she has lavished on Jesus feet, she is doing something of such intimacy - especially with someone who is not her husband, that she brings the whole dinner to a screeching halt. As my grandmother would say, that is just not done. Interestingly it is Judas who probably breaks the awkward silence, chiding Mary, not for her intimacy with the teacher, not for this lavish intimate worship she displays, but for her financial extravagance.
            Judas, what ever his other motives is trying to save the situation. Judas chides Mary for not thinking of the poor. It’s not particularly surprising that one of Jesus followers, even this one, might be focused on the plight of the poor. Jesus does say a great deal about the poor and the identification of God with the poor. Judas is trying to help out this silly, benighted woman whom he thinks has missed the point of Jesus teaching. It’s about making the world a nicer kinder place to live and redistributing the wealth. After all, Mary should know better - she lives in Bethany, which literally means poor town. She is surrounded by people who are poor because of the brokenness of creation. Rather than saving up for this little bottle of odoriferous ointment, shouldn’t she have found something better to do with the funds - a tax deductible donation to the local food bank, or to Jesus own 501c3 for the poor? Judas is trying to turn this from an awkward moment into a teachable one.
            Jesus makes use of this moment. He uses it to teach Judas and the disciples and anyone else who will listen not about what is right, and proper but about what is meet and right. He did not come to make things a little bit nicer, a bit more bearable. Jesus has come to do, as Isaiah says, a new thing. Jesus has come grab hold of sin and death by the scruff of the neck and throw them out on their ear. He, the Word of God has come so that all people, rich, poor, and middle income might have what it is that they are all lacking – an imperishable inheritance of eternal life, their adoption by God as sons and daughters. Mary is the one who gets it. Mary understands what’s going on, what being a part of this kingdom is in a way that none of the other disciples seem to. And so she worships Jesus as Lord and God. She makes herself totally reliant, totally devoted to Jesus. She pours all of her self into her worship of her Lord, holding nothing in reserve, relying totally on Jesus grace and mercy, mercy meant not to make the world more bearable, kinder and gentler but to make it new.
Jesus praises Mary’s intimate vulnerable act of anointing. At some level, she understands that in order for Jesus to do bring this new thing, God’s kingdom to fulfillment, he has to die. Her outlandish, unrestrained, super abundant devotion to her Good Shepherd has become a prophetic act, acknowledging what Jesus is about to dive into in the upcoming week, the Upper room, the passion the cross.  She displays prophetic gratitude for what her Lord is willing to do for her, for all of them, for us. 
            For a long time after my parents got divorced, I tried to get my fathers attentions by showing him how together I had it. Of course to my father, I probably just seemed cocky and far too sure of myself. the spring of 5th grade, my cub scout troop was doing a pine would derby. I spent four days and used six kits trying to make, not the fastest car, but just a car that could make it all the way down the track without the wheels quite literally coming off. So, after I had gotten my seventh kit from the store, I walked down to my father’s house. I found my dad in the garage, putting away the lawn mower. “Dad, I need your help.” “ Of course,” my father said. “I don’t know how to do this,” I admitted holding up the little wooden car. “It’s OK,” my father said, “I do. ”
            Mary took a pound of costly perfume and anointed Jesus’ feet, and the house was filled with the fragrance. Mary’s reckless, vulnerable, intimate worship of Jesus certainly isn’t right and proper, but it is meet and right.  When we kneel before the altar and hold out our hands begging for Jesus to be with us, to fed on his body and his blood, to know him that intimately, it isn’t particularly proper either. It’s not dignified to kneel down, to take the place of servitude of vulnerability. It’s not right and proper, but it is meet and right.

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