22 May 2008


So I was coming out of the 7 train this morning and I headed for the nearest exit, along with a few hundred close friends. As I wasslowly shuffling toward the staircase, I started dispationately observing the system the the MTA has put in place. The only thing that I could think of was a cattle chute. The railing on ether sid of the crowd started wide, then narrowed, funneling the hapless, mid-town livestock onto the stairs in such a way that there wouldnt be a fuss when we got to the escalator. Ahh, a well run escalator, where people make room for there fellow person. Anyway, the more that I thought about the similarities of the subway ramp to a cattle chute and the fact that it didnt really surprise me I was taken with a strong urge to Moo very loudly. Its not the first time this has happened, but it was the first time that I have been by myself. Usually I will lean over to my wife at this point and moo or bleat softly. But today I was feeling a full throated Moo, just because. So I did. I gave my best Moo at the top of my lungs. Every one stopped, all several hundred and they all looked at me and... no not really. I didnt make a sound, I just kept shuffling like a good little beastie, but I did wonder whether people would have even blinked if I had.

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